David & Thelma Hewett – Joined 1999

David & Thelma Hewett – Joined 1999


David & Thelma Hewett

David & Thelma Hewett

Retail in Ireland is changing fast.  As a Sole Trading TSN of 67 years, competition from multinationals, and symbol shops as well as new legislation and regulations makes retail trading difficult. CSNA is a life line for businesses like ours. The CSNA is a wonderful, friendly and always available Association. Vincent and his team as well as the wonderful executive (all retailers themselves) work tirelessly on our behalf. They represent us at government legislation meetings and fight for margins and deals all the time.

While print media is nationally on the decline it still accounts for 50% of our business. CSNA’s help has been wonderful in maintaining our margins, keeping us up to date on price changes and suggestions on how to increase our sales. The recent rebate negotiated on our behalf from INM publications was most welcome.

The New CSNA publication “Directory of Services” is a wonderful bible for anyone in retail as is the weekly E-zine newsletter which keeps us up to date on all changing policies and legal developments.

Retail is a vocation with wonderful benefits most of the time but it is made easier with CSNA fighting on our behalf. Thank you for always being there and your help and guidance.