Jury Duty – Employers Rights And Obligations

Society cannot function without support from its citizens. The laws of the land require that in certain instances, an accused person, or a citizen seeking adjudication on a complaint, can rely upon a number of their peers to sit in judgement. The Court Service issues summonses to hundreds of people each month to serve on a Jury, it is one of the most important actions that is required from a citizen and while it may be a nuisance and disruptive, the request to serve on a Jury should be seen as a societal obligation and we should attempt to facilitate rather than frustrate the request.

For employers, there is an absolute obligation to pay the wages of a staff member that is called to serve on a Jury. Typically, the summons will set out the expected length of possible empanelment, ordinarily it is for a one week period, but it may, if it relates to a Criminal trial, be for an extended period.

There are insurance policies that pays for staff and Directors who are called to serve on Jury Duty, the ARAG (previously DAS) CSNA policy provides for the entirety of wages to be paid, other policies are more restrictive and pay a maximum per day allowance.

The only requirement is that the Court Clerk provides the Juror with an appropriately stamped document outlining the number of days spent on Duty.

If a juror is excused from service, then it will be possible for them to return to work the remainder of their week, if that is agreed in advance with the employer.