We were saddened to learn of the death of Paddy last week, peacefully after a short illness.
Many of the older members of the Association will no doubt have fond memories of Paddy visiting their stores in the 90’s and early “noughties” and providing them with encouragement and assistance.
Paddy was blessed with a temperament that never varied ; regardless of the occasion or the company, when a member spoke with Paddy in his voluntary role in Membership Development they were accorded individual attention and every query was followed with a timely response.
From County Offaly, Paddy initially entered the pub trade in Dublin alongside other family members ,but the competing demands of growing family made him select the Newsagency business and acquired a shop in Bayside which he ran successfully for many years.
Paddy’s son, (also of the same name ) owns the Centra in Howth and has very fond memories of the fun, respect and camaraderie that retailers like his father had for each other and remembered fondly the store visits made by retailers to fellow newsagents who were never considered to be competition or “the enemy”.
Paddy had one abiding love; his family, and to them we offer our sympathy and thanks; may he rest in peace.