Big Drop In Suggested Retail Prices For Magazines

Big Drop In Suggested Retail Prices For Magazines

June 27th, 2019

Members are aware that the distributor of most of the UK printed publications (newspapers and magazines), EM News, review the sterling prices on a quarterly basis.

Magazines display

The next review has been completed and will take effect on 30th of June 2019.

Magazines delivered from Tuesday 2nd July will be printed at the new Ready Reckoner rate, a copy of which we have been provided with by EM.

A UK magazines priced at £5 sterling will now be delivered to Irish republic retailers at a suggested retail price of €7.00 (previously €7.25). This is the VAT (9%) inclusive RSP, the actual selling price can only be determined by the retailer. The decrease in selling price is a full 5%. All magazines will cost you, on average, 5% less than you are currently paying your supplier for them. This will also be the case for those part works that do not have a euro €RSP applied.

View the new Ready Reckoner here:

Download (PDF, 92KB)

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