How To Deal With Someone Claiming From You

In most cases where a claim against you is brought to your attention, it is done through a letter from a solicitor representing the claimant. In certain cases, (but rarely), you may have a complaint from someone that might suggest that a formal claim may follow.

Never attempt to deal with a formal claim until you have reported the matter to your Insurer, as to do so could easily prejudice their subsequent chance of a defence and could lead to them refusing to deal with a claim. Always call your Insurer/broker to discuss and agree the appropriate response.

In the case where someone approaches you informally, please remember it costs nothing to be a nice person and being overly defensive or angry simply will not help.

Always remember – call us to discuss any/every incident. We will advise and guide you.

Gerry Monks                                     Stephen Brack                                 Jackie Reid

087 2830560                                    086 0400568                                   01 2988266

gerry@jdminsurance.ie                 stephen@jdminsurance.ie           jackie@jdminsurance.ie