Rates Revaluation – Deferred

Following successful representations to a number of Government Departments and Ministers, the implementation of a rates revaluation system has been deferred due to Covid19.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage has agreed with the Commissioner of Valuation that the Commissioner will defer the revaluation of rateable properties in the following local authority areas until 2022:

  • Clare County Council
  • Donegal County Council
  • Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
  • Galway City Council
  • Galway County Council
  • Kerry County Council
  • Mayo County Council

New valuations arising from the revaluation of these local authorities will now be finalised in September 2022 and become effective for rates purposes from 2023 onwards.

The Valuation Office will write to all ratepayers in the local authority areas above in the near future to notify them of the changed timelines.