CSNA Deals

CSNA Members now enjoy more value from their memberships and commercial savings for their business with ourĀ CSNA Deals Initiative. On behalf of our Members we have extensively researched the market and used our combined buying power as a national independent retail organisation to get the best deals in the marketplace. These deals will ensure significant savings and a best in market service for all our members. It is our intention to continue reviewing and improving these offerings on your behalf on an ongoing basis. As a member of the CSNA you are eligible for very generous discounts and best in class deals where 100% of the benefits go to our members from the following providers;

Andrew Gubbins

Andrew Gubbins is a practising Barrister for the past 8 years in Ireland and a qualified Mediator specialising in contract law, employment law, personal injuries law, commercial law and landlord and tenant law among other areas. As a Barrister he can provide CSNA members with legal advice and legal opinion on any matter that may arise in their business, be it a dispute between landlord and tenant, employer and employee, business and business or business and service provider among any other personal issues that may arise.

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