Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme

TBESS (Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme)

Have you claimed for 40% of your energy costs yet? Unsure of how to claim? Watch the recent webinar on how to claim your 40% back below. If you have any questions please contact the CSNA office on 045-535050.

Did You Know That You Can Claim For 40% Of Your Energy Costs?
Don’t Miss Out And Apply TODAY!

The TBESS (Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme was introduced to support businesses with increases in their electricity or natural gas (energy) costs.

To date just under 1,500 businesses in the wholesale and retail trade have claimed back 40% of their energy costs. With such a small number of applicants we worry that the Department may not extend this support scheme. It is very important that members apply with urgency to avoid the claim cut off date on the 31st January 2023 to claim for September 2022.

We would highly recommend that all CSNA members apply for the TBESS and claim 40% of your energy costs for your business. Apply TODAY to avail of this very worthwhile scheme for your business energy bills!

If you have any questions or queries please contact the CSNA office on 045-535050 and we will be more than happy to assist our members.

Is Your Business Eligible?

Your business can make a claim under the scheme if it:

  • is tax compliant
  • carries on a Case I trade or Case II profession. This includes charities and approved sporting bodies that carry on certain activities


  • has experienced a significant increase of 50% or more in its electricity and/or natural gas average unit price.

Qualifying businesses can claim for 40% of the increases in their energy bills. The increase in energy bills must be between the ‘claim period’ and the ‘reference period’.

How To Claim?

There is a two-step process to make a claim under the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS). The eligible business needs to:

  • register for the TBESS on the Revenue Online Service (ROS)


  • complete a claim in respect of energy costs arising in a claim period or claim periods.

A step-by-step guide on how to register and make a claim on Revenue Online Service (ROS) is in the TBESS guidelines.



When registering for the scheme you will need to:

  • provide details about the business
  • provide details in relation to electricity or natural gas connections
  • make declarations confirming eligibility for the scheme.

You can register on ROS from 26 November 2022.

Making A Claim

You can make a claim on ROS from 5 December 2022.

Energy costs for a claim period relate to each calendar month from 1 September 2022 to 28 February 2023.

Energy costs for a reference period relate to each calendar month from 1 September 2021 to 28 February 2022.

You must supply details of energy bills for both the claim period and the reference period.

Time Limit For Claims

Claims for an electricity or natural gas bill must be made within 4 months of the end of the claim period.