Two Notes From The Department

Public Consultation on The Phasing in of The Living Wage – Closing Date Extended / Gentle Reminder – European Commission DG Grow SME Retailers Survey

  1. Public Consultation on the phasing in of the living wage – closing date for submissions has been extended to close of business, Wednesday 17th August.

Please see the link below to further information including a document outlining the principles of the consultation and a template for response: Public consultation on the phase in of the living wage – DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)    (See PDF)

Please note the closing date for submissions has been extended to close of business, Wednesday 17th August 2022.

  1. Survey of SME Retailers – Survey opens until Saturday 20th August. (See PDF – E. C.)

Gentle reminder re the Survey of SME retailers being undertaken by the European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – Food, Retail, Health (GROW F3)  (Details in the email below).

The survey will be open until Saturday 20th August under this link: (See Here For Survey)