HSE Inspections – Be Vigilant

HSE Inspections – Be Vigilant

July 5th, 2018

Members must remind their staff (especially part-time and new employees) of the absolute need for them to adhere to the age restricted policies of their employer.

The HSE Environmental Health Officers will use the Summer holidays to recruit volunteers under the age of 18 to assist them in carrying out test purchases.

If you sell a tobacco product to a minor you run the risk of prosecution, as does the staff member. A criminal conviction will prevent that staff member from many job opportunities and they will have difficulty accessing countries such as the US and Australia. IT IS NOT WORTH IT ON SO MANY LEVELS, AND IT IS NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO PROVIDE TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO MINORS IN ANY INSTANCE!

The Association has a pack designed to assist members to draw up a checklist for age-restricted product compliance, available at https://www.csna.ie/services/help-advice/ under age restricted products. You must be logged into the CSNA website using your CSNA web username and password to access the information.

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